
5 Steps to Check In for Your Video Visit

1. Select Device

Use a computer or device with a camera and microphone.

2. Go to Dr. Kabir’s Room

3. Check In

Type in your name and click Check In.

4. Enable Webcam and Microphone
Allow your browser to use your webcam and microphone.

5. You’re In!

Wait for Dr. Kabir to start the call.

Tips for a Great Call

  • Restart your device before your visit.
  • Connect to the internet with an Ethernet cable or strong WiFi signal.
  • Ensure your browser is updated to the most recent version.
  • If possible, use a newer device and make sure it is fully charged.
  • Try disconnecting other devices from the WiFi you’re using.
  • Click Pre-call Test in the waiting room to make sure your system is
    ready for the call.

Need Help?

If you need more assistance, don’t hesitate to contact Doxy technical support!