Insights and news

notes from Dr. Kabir

Why did I open this practice?

So grateful for beautiful baby girl Ellie, who at five days old, entered my life last Fall as a new patient. In the midst of a chaotic day, she invited me to step into the moment. To take a deep breath and feel both wonder and awe at the mystery

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Kabir Family Story

Raising a child on the spectrum is not an easy journey. Like all challenges, though, there were many opportunities for growth. Fortunately, with the hardest parts of our journey behind us, my son Jacob is thriving now and living independently. I’ve taken the lessons learned and have grown into a

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Why “Evolving Family Health”?

I chose the words “family health” as part of my practice name because patients are not isolated in their health care concerns. If a patient is struggling, often so, too, is their family. It takes a village to raise our children and I believe in taking care of that village. My

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Postpartum Depression

The birth of a child is often portrayed as a time of immense joy and fulfillment. However, for some new mothers, this period can be clouded by the overwhelming darkness of postpartum depression (PPD). Postpartum depression is a mood disorder that affects many women after childbirth, and it is crucial

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